She Don’t Know She’s Beautiful

There are people in my life that have beautiful qualities about them- ones that are rare but beautiful. They are kind by nature. Their personalities have people flocking to befriend them. From their empathetic character to their gentle fashion,
they have people wanting to live better lives.

Don’t criticize people’s actions, ideas or looks. You never know the true story plus making people laugh because you’re truly funny is so much better than making fun of others. It’s just in poor taste. Here’s looking at you Pete Davidson.

Be kind to yourself even on the worst of days. From your past to physical physique- ease up. Life’s too short.

Empathy is a beautiful trait. Listen when someone is having a hard time, don’t think about what you want to say. Offer advice that is helpful and that comes from the heart. Continue reading

The Girl Who Takes Pictures of Everything

You going to take pictures of everything all night?

Yes I am and one day you will thank me for it. To remember the Christmas we could wear flip-flops or the last time Uncle Joe sang Ava Maria. Pictures allow us to remember the details of every human and event [that we want to] in our lives. One day these trivial details will have left our memory to be filled with more recent and perhaps more pleasant thoughts but we should never forget the people and times that developed us to become who we are.

Anyone who has met me will probably label me as one of those girls who loves taking pictures, and don’t get me wrong, I do. If you personally know me, it’s clear I like to capture every single moment — from what I eat, to what I wear and to where I go. Though I may say I do it to decorate my shelves with framed photos, sometimes post albums on Facebook or have options on which picture to post on Instagram, the real reason is my fear of forgetting or having those we have lost, be forgotten.

There will be a time, when places and people of my past will no longer be able to be visited but with photography we can always go back to an exact moment in time.

There are days you wish you could hold on to and with your camera, you can. I’m as interested in capturing our mundane routines as I am in capturing holidays and special events. Taking pictures helps you to hang on to those memories a little longer. There are images that can transport you to a different time and place. I love being able to express myself through my camera. I use it as an extension of myself to tell stories that people want to hear and remember.

I have this mentality that maybe if I just took as many pictures as I could of everything and everyone, I would somehow remember it all and those who have left this world would never be forgotten. I look on at the people that I love and laugh at the silly candid’s or yearn for the days I could hear my grandmother’s voice again. But all that is left are the documents that we hold on to.

I’ve realized that as our memory fades, photos become anchors to life events. I used photos to help fill in the blanks and to keep memories from evolving into happenings that didn’t really happen or spark details that may have been forgotten. I live my life through the lens of a camera because that is how I want to see the world I live in. Yes I need to have my camera, yes it will be in your face, if you don’t like it maybe you aren’t meant to be documented in my life.

In the distant, very distant, future when I become a mother, I want my children to know how I grew up and how lucky I was to have special people in my life. I want them to see how the relationships I had with these people helped me to become the person that I am or will be. The most important thing is to capture the moments that make us smile, make us laugh, make us happy.

My camera is a diary that captures everything from my bare feet in the sand to Wyatt sleeping on his bed to my mother decorating cupcakes as she laughs in the dining room. I take pictures because I love it and it’s that simple. Moments are fleeting, people come and go but worst of all time passes quickly before your eyes.

Photography should make you feel something, anything, whether it be good or bad. This past year I have documented anything that I wanted to with my Polaroid. Close to a hundred pictures I can physically hold and look back on. I go into 2016 with the same fun project to document my favorite people, events and places. This goes against all of the “live in the moment people” but this is how I live and relive the moments of my life.



You Are My Person

There are friends and then there are best friends. Being an only child my friends are always something so much more. They are family who know the ins and outs of my life; everything from where I keep the bottle opener to my biggest dreams & fears.

I hope everyone gets to experience what it is like to find “their person”. It’s amazing feeling whether days or weeks go by that they are always there for you, in good times and in bad. Spanning all over the U.S. no matter the time of day if you send a “you up?” message, you’ll get an immediate message. Nothing compares to a best friend, a person you can always be yourself around and never have to worry if they won’t like who you really are. No matter what you do or say they have your back and will defend you to the end because they always want the best for you.

A good friend lets you borrow her top but a best friend lets you borrow her toothbrush.

A good friend will cancel plans if something more important comes up but a best friend will stay true to your plans no matter what or invite you along because you’ve been to dozens of family events anyway what’s one more.

A good friend comes over ready to party! Your best friend is helping you scrub the floors because your house is a disaster and she knows how important a clean toilet is to you. Or she is the one refilling your wine as your vacuuming up the dog hair with curlers in your hair.

A good friend knows your general family and possibly a bit into the crazy dynamic of your life but a best friend can name all of your siblings middle names and all of the dogs you have ever had and where the name “Pudgy” came from.

A good friend makes plans and you have a good night out. A best friend alters and adjusts to make for ample fun.

A best friend has been through all the significant other drama and never left your side and you equally have her back. Plus she will never judge because “we don’t judge in this car”.

Good friends know people you don’t like but best friends share in the same hatred of your cousin’s ex girlfriends sister because when you were in the 3rd grade she pushed you on the playground and you still haven’t gotten over it.

Your best friend knows some weird shit about you that others totally shouldn’t. They also can tell you that you obviously sing the boy parts better and she always nails those high notes… kinda…

Good friends find out about bad nights after they happen while your best friend is the one sitting on the bathroom floor pouring the shots and offering true and honest advice.

Jealousy isn’t a thing between you and your best. You want to see them excel so you can brag about them to everyone! You never EVER think “why did she get that” or “why not me?” because you love them and they are a part of who you are.

A good friend and you will laugh until you cry but a best friend is the one who will be there to hold you when you can’t stop crying. And when they can’t physically be there they stay up with you as long as you need.

Good friends might talk about you behind your back but best friends see nothing to talk about. Typically when you gossip it’s because you see something wrong or annoying but you best friend can pretty much expect what your response or reaction will be. Plus you can have those difficult conversations while offering your opinion because your relationship helps grow each other.

Lastly my go to move. Not only am I a story repeater but I am a terrible story teller. So good friends will stop you if they have heard the story before but your best friend will let the rant go on. You best will know (when you leave out major details) exactly what you are saying, good friends just look on in a state of confusion.

Good friends can turn into best friends if you let them.  I feel like as we get older the more judgmental we become. Remember to be open and let more people into your life. Best friends aren’t always made when you are 5 years old some people are meant to come into your life much later. Life has a funny way of working out. Each person is put into our life for a reason. From riding our bikes to DQ to meeting up for a drink after a stressful day at work, friends make your life so much more than most can imagine. They are your number one fan and biggest supporter.


Don’t Forget to Tell Your Family…

As you get older you tend to realize the importance of good people in your life. You have experienced anger, hate and negativity. The combination leads to us understanding the importance of communicating love to the people we care about.

You are lucky to be theirs.

Know that they feel the same about you. There are far too many unloved children in our world today. You are not one of them. Every now and then, remind them how much you love them.

Tell them how much you appreciate all they have done so far

They have sacrificed so much. They have loved and nurtured you, provided you with all they could without even giving it a second thoughts. Even when they struggled emotionally, physically or financially they still gave all they could. We are just beginning to understand how hard that really is.

I love you.

Tell them when you leave the house and when you come home. Tell them before you hang up the phone. Tell them before you fall asleep. Randomly remind them that you love them. Everyone likes to hear that they are loved. Your parents will never tire of hearing it. Don’t take this simple sentence for granted because you can never say it enough.

You have done and said some bad things but you are growing up (in their eyes) every day.

Would you still care about me
if I did horrible things?
Yes, of course.

They reminded you to say please and thank you. Always be polite and never raise your voice. Respect your elders, above all else be kind and grateful. They raised you as best they could and sent you into the world. They are proud to call you their son or daughter despite all of your fights, tears and slammed doors. You are their bragging right in the office and when they’re out to dinner with their friends- you are their world.

You hope you are as good of a parent to your own child someday as they were to you.

And that your child will be very blessed if you are. All any parent wants is to believe they have done the very best they could’ve done; no more, and no less.

You don’t know what you’ll do without them.

Remember to appreciate the people around you every day. You never know when they will no longer be with you. Remind them how important they are (not only to you). Silly fights will happen but don’t stay mad, it’s not worth it. Regret is one thing you can’t take back. Enjoy your time with lots of love and laughs. Bring up funny memories and spend time doing things everyone can enjoy.

Thank you.

For teaching me, having patience, playing pretend, eating my Easy Bake oven creations. For helping me with homework,the warm and loving home you always had,the difference between right and wrong. Thank you for being my biggest fan, advocate and supporter. Thank you for running around because I actually need blue socks not red ones. Thank you for staying up to wash my lucky shirt before my game. You are who you are because of them and they are, and always will be, a part of your heart and soul. Thank you.





People Always Want to Know What’s Next

Once you hit my age people are going to ask you about your love life. They don’t do to be intrusive or rude. This is how people are conditioned to talk to each other, especially people haven’t seen you in awhile. Think about it, when you were in high school all any estranged family member could talk to you about was if you were going to college or what was happening after high school. Once you were in college they wanted to know what you were majoring in. Four years later and spring has sprung, people were concerned about what in god’s name you’re going to do with that degree of yours. Well, the heat is now off your career and more on your sex life. To all of my twenty somethingers, we have successfully moved into the wedded bliss conversation category. “Are you dating anyone?” “Do you think he’ll propose soon?” “Why aren’t you married yet?”

They ask you these questions because people organize life into phases. It’s the only way we know how to make sense of anything. We like to categorize, organize, classify. We feel more comfortable looking at someone and knowing: they’re in college, they’re single, they’re employed, they’re married, they’re divorced, they’re an accountant, they’re unemployed, they’re an artist of some kind, they’re pregnant, they have no kids, they have two kids, they’re an entrepreneur. We want to understand each other- some more than others. But it’s easier for us to associate two or three core concepts with a person than it is to spend a lifetime trying to understand each and every aspect of their complicated, three-dimensional personality and existence.

These questions are asked because your mom, grandfather, second cousin, have concerns. For some reason a major fear in most of our lives is not drowning,  being pushed off a fifty story building, it’s being alone. We want to know that there would be someone there who cared, who would notice if you weren’t here. People want to know that at the end of a long day at work we come into a home full of life and live, not one that is sad and empty.

The marriage question is tiresome, annoying, exhausting. The concern is (mostly) genuine, innocent, tenderhearted. But not everyone gets married. Not everyone finds their person. Some people want it badly and they never find it. Others have known their whole life that romantic partnership is not for them. But whether we’ve found the person we want to spend our life with and simply have not yet gotten engaged, or we are still single and searching, or we have no desire at all to find someone and get married, we do not need to apologize for it. We owe nobody an explanation. Whether someone’s question is nosy and pushy, or innocent and caring, we are not required to give them an answer to quench their curiosity or soothe their concern.

The question of your love life is never going to stop. It’s going to make us irritated, uncomfortable and maybe even at times questions our own motives. I understand that you are trying to better understand but why do you not want to know about my career, my goals, my dreams? However you look at it though, remember we do not need to apologize for any of our life decisions. And once one factor is complete, they’ll want to know when the babies will come.


Working on My Fitness

So I’ll give you a little background on my fitness history. I played field hockey my entire life, even in college. We ran a lot, had our food monitored and had a fitness consigliere who taught us how to get the most out of our workouts through lifting and high interval training. Well, after four years of intense fitness regiments, I was over it. I didn’t want to run mindless laps around the gym. I wanted to go out after work to Target and meet my friends for Happy Hour, not worry about getting to the gym, not stressing about being fit. The muscles in my legs served a purpose, my abs were needed to help my run, my back and arms needed to be strong, but I didn’t care anymore. I was done working out.

I’ve never really fell out of shape but my fitness lovers can attest to the fact that you can work so hard for weeks on end- all of a sudden you take a few days off and you feel like you’re having a heart attack carrying your laundry up the steps. Ok fine a few days was actually a few months but I needed to mentally unwind.

The problem with taking fitness so seriously is the noticeable change when you stop. I have never been the type to worry about the size sewn into my clothes but there was a point when I was no longer comfortable in my own skin and that is a terrible feeling. From a 4 to a 16 size doesn’t matter but confidence does. So after my little hiatus I decided I needed to get back into the swing of things.

“Wow, my pants don’t fit!”

So you finally washed and accidentally dried your jeans… BIG mistake. Now you need to do a minor Pilates class to get into them. Well it seems they don’t button, like not even close. After a few too many late nights of beers and besties ending in Gyro place on the square, your clothes don’t fit quite like they use to. It is uncomfortable to sit certain ways and when you take off your jeans it looks like your still wearing them, seams and all. You’re still your same beautiful self but you just don’t feel as confident in your own skin. You become self-conscious of what you look like for the first time in a long time. It’s not like it was instant but it bothers you.

Denial Ain’t Just a River in Egypt

That’s it you’re going to start eating right if it kills you! No more Rahman out of the pot or Dairy Queen for dinner. You throw away all your Easter candy and swear off soda and Turkey Hill iced tea. You’re fine with how you look because you’re beautiful and nothing will ever change that, but we should never settle for fine! You decide to cut out the crap (literally and figuratively), and accept that you need to seriously think about how you want to approach your impending change. Weight loss, muscle gain, goal weight, healthier lifestyle – whatever the goal, set it and stick to it!

Something Must Be Done

You acknowledge that you don’t like the way you feel so you set a plan into place. Personal trainer or Planet Fitness it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you get out there and move. You skip the cookie and chip aisle and your dessert Pinterest board falls by the wayside but your “Workin’ On My Fitness” board is getting more lovin’ each day. Remember ease into it, that 7 minute mile isn’t going to happen for awhile and maybe starting with just the bar to squat won’t make you want to scream every time you have to pee. Baby steps.

The Successful First Week

YAY! You made it to the gym. This is awesome because this was the hardest step. Bad news- your six pack is not where you thought it would be after what?- five workouts? There is a long road ahead but it will never get easier. Because before you know it those 5 pushups in 30 seconds turns to 10 then 20. You need to keep pushing yourself. I don’t mean to sound like a tween Nike t-shirt but it’s true. You’re already steps ahead of where you were one week ago and even though it might not seem like it, it’s paying off.

Off the Deep End

Your best friend’s bachlorette party and you’re the MOH. Well your diet just went out the window like your morals because you have a plane to catch. You were doing so well, maybe even lost a few pounds or maybe you just were eating healthier and feeling great. However after 6 shots of low-cal tequila that Big Mac and Fries is calling your name! You thought it would stop after this little weekend getaway but think again! You think to yourself “I already ruined my diet today/yesterday/this week.” So that one little treat or occasion that made you think that you have worked hard enough to deserve this, comes and bites you in the ass.

Back On Track

You relapsed- it happens. We’ve all been there-  2am, standing in the pantry eating handfuls of Smidgens. You were so happy with how your desired results were coming along but you got a little derailed. You can’t let yourself spiral into the junk food pit of no return, this isn’t Candy Mountain Charlie, stay away. Diets don’t start on Mondays or the first of the month- they start now. You remember how amazing those weeks made you feel and how terrible that drunken cheat burrito felt the next morning. The most important factor is remembering the goals you set.

The Noticeable Change

You hit your goal weight or look or size or confidence happiness level! No matter how you look at it, you did it! The key here is to be happy with the goals you set. Allow yourself to be satisfied with all that you accomplished. I’ve seen far too many people spiral out of control with working out. The thought process of “I can always be better” seems to be a driving force for those who want to continue this fitness or weight loss journey. Just be careful- it’s a fine line of working on your lady lumps and never feeling good enough. You should be so proud of yourself for working towards a healthier lifestyle that will benefit you for years to come.

Ultimately I would love to see everyone happy with the body they have been blessed with. No one ever teaches us that we’re supposed to fall in love with ourselves too. Falling in love with yourself is just like falling in love with someone else, it happens little by little than all at once you’re smitten. Love your body and it will love you right back. But remember you’re body does not define us as people.

Free yourself from beauty trends, from people’s opinions, from who you are not and will never have to be. Accept yourself  and what you’ve got. Love and embrace every bit of it because you, not anyone else, are the one who defines you, who lets the world see what you have here. And that will not be restricted to just a body. You want to be a runner? Do it! Thinking about taking up cycling? Try it out! Don’t like working out at all? That’s fine! Just do whatever makes you happy in your own skin.



The Friends You Need

I’ve been thinking a lot about my friends lately. It’s probably because several of my bests have gotten engaged over the past few weeks and so it got me thinking of course about… bridesmaids. I was never the little girl to sit and think about a wedding and colors and linens but I have always thought about bridesmaids and the people that I want standing next to me on the happiest day of my life. This group would come together because of me, be so excited for me and genuinely want to share in this special day.

You read so many articles about who “shouldn’t be in your life” and people posting quotes like”Maybe the bridges you burn light the way”. [I actually googles “burning bridges Pinterst quote” to find that- the internet is a weird place]. But we often overlook the people in our lives that add a little more sunshine and sparkle to our day. The ones who have been there, through it all even if you just met them a year ago.

The one you can always depend on to live-text something really weird or funny, because if you’re not both there to share it, that means you have to be on your phone as much as possible relaying the details and telling them about that thing that they just won’t believe. From live streaming the VS fashion show to the woman wearing a scrunchie- these details need to be shared!

The one who isn’t afraid to tell you the facts, who tells you exactly what you need to hear, who won’t let you leave the house with one eyebrow wonky. They’ll listen to you bitch for 20 minutes about something stupid and hear you out but when you ask “what do you think?” get ready to hear the whole truth. The one who loves you enough to respect you with the truth, and who wants you to be the best possible version of yourself that you can be, even if that means a little tough love to get there.

The one who remembers the things that are really important, who is there for big events and small ones that are only important to you. The one who actually calls you on your birthday and sings in your voicemail, who shares the big news with you first. These people also support what matters to you, like your blog, or coming to a field hockey game in the pouring rain.

The one who thinks of you before they think of themselves, knows when you need a pick me up, who shows up with coffee order or waits to see a movie because you HAVE to see it together – and who knows you love to do the exact same things for them.

The one who will go drink-for-drink with you all night, because you had a bad week and just need a fun night out. Then they come back to your house with you and have a [good thing we aren’t televised because this conversation is embarrassing] heart to heart and meet you the next morning to catch up over beer and extra bacon because you earned them.

The one who was there when bad things happened, who wrote you right away to ask if you were okay, if you needed anything, if they could come by – and really meant it. Everyone else might offer a little word here or there, but you know that they are the only one who would really drop everything, no matter what, and come help you feel better.

The one who says they love you and means it, because friend-love is no less special or in need of being expressed than romantic love.

The one who is there and I mean really there, not checking their Instagram while you’re crying on the bathroom floor or texting another friend while you’re trying to tell them about your shitty day at work. The one who listens and never pulls their phone out while you’re at dinner because you’re the best thing going on right now and honestly if you weren’t together you’d be the rude bitches texting.

The one who keeps your secrets, who knows everything but shares nothing because they know that you have nothing if you don’t have absolute trust. And plus you know some nasty shit about them so you’re pretty much thick as thieves.

The one who makes just sitting on a bed, eating snacks and marathonning SVU, the absolute best way to spend a weekend. The one who knows when a weekend away from society and bathing is the only plans you have for the next 48 hours. You can  hole up and be hermits and watch your favorite, weird things while getting tipsy by yourselves.

The one who makes you feel at home, no matter how long you’ve known them, no matter how you met them. The one who immediately became irreplaceable, who knows you better than you know yourself – who feels like family the way family should always be, fun and happy and totally without judgment or malice. The one who makes you feel loved, and realize that you deserve to be.

Little bits and pieces of your people helped create the beautiful soul that you are today. So tell your friends you love them, send a written letter or take a trip to visit them. Life is short surround yourself with nothing but love and happiness.


Guide To: Pairing Your Boots & Socks

Letting your hosiery peek over the tops of your boots has become a go-to way to create styles that are free-spirited, slouchy, and bohemian. Ideal for cool climates, the trend does two of our favorite things at once: it keeps you warm and dry and looks super cute. You just can’t go wrong when fashion and function are combined, plus I hate cold toes!

I’m assuming you already know how to find hiking socks. So if you came here in search of moisture-wicking wear for your mountain climbing shoes, I do apologize for the bait and switch. But if you’re here for darling socks to wear in every (other) possible boot scenario, then you’re in the right place. Whether you’re wearing the classic ankle, lace up combat, cowgirl kickers, or riding boots I’ve got the socks for you.

Knee High Boot Styles

Make boot cuffs from old sweater or something similar, yes : ) Knit Boot Cuffs | 24 Genius Clothing Items Every Girl Needs: I love the color combination. The red socks on the tights is simply genius, why have I not thought of this before?: Free People: Tall boots + tall socks.: warmer inspiration, link to a blog with many photos beyond just fashion - travel, antique, vintage etc:


BlackRibbed Modal Over-the-Knee SockRugby Knee SockHUE Cuffed Chunky Cable Legwarmer

|| Target || American Apparel || Lord & Taylor ||
|| Steve Madden || Free People || Zappos ||
|| Cavender’s || Urban Outfitters || ASOS ||

 Ankle Boot Styles

How to wear ankle boots with socks! Click through for more great Fall and Winter fashion tips and ideas! Jo Lynne Shane: boots booties rugged knit knee highs: WANT THESE ASAP! Free People Ventura Hiker Boot at Free People Clothing Boutique: Obsessed with ankle boots. I would probably wear these with socks that have the lace trim on top.: I like this look.: Adorable lace up tan ankle boot with heel. The ankle socks are a nice touch.:

Shop Fishnet Print Mesh SocksPatchwork Crew Sock,0,1950,2250&scl=4.202586206896552&id=UM8cr3$ary_tn225$

|| ASOS || Topshop || Urban Outfitters ||
|| Darner || Free People || Nordstrom ||
|| L.L.Bean || J. Crew || American Eagle ||


Boot Cuff

So this is a similar option without all the bulk. I use boot cuff with both my knee high and ankle boots. Here are some stores that sell my favorite (and only) boot accessory:

Blush PinkBoot Cuffs, Hand Knit Boot Cuffs Cashmere-Kidmohair Blend Yarn Choose Your Color And Size

|| Target || Etsy || Grace and Lace ||
|| Country Outfitters || Boscov’s || Etsy ||


Remember to See the Good In Every Day

You are in charge of the life you want to live. If you’re in a bad mood you are the one who can change that, no one else. Don’t ruin your day or someone else’s because you had a rough morning. Get over yourself.

Giving someone at least one honest compliment per day, about something other than their weight if possible. (Even if someone lost weight, it’s much better to say “You look great!” rather than comment directly on the pounds, because that often comes with a lot of baggage.)

Not obsessing over the stupid/embarrassing thing you said two years ago to keep you from sleeping or make you freak out in the shower. (My technique with this one is to actually say the thing out loud, laugh at myself, and force myself to think about something else.)

Calling, texting, emailing, or in some way acknowledging your parents and find out what they’re up to today/let them know that you love them.

Writing down a list — ideally on a dry erase board or something, where you can see it every day — of the things you need to do. And actually going through this list, one by one, and checking them off. I promise, it feels almost better than sex to see the whole thing crossed out.

Telling a friend you love them, or you’re thinking about them, or you hope they’re doing well.

Saying “thank you” when someone does something little-but-kind throughout your day. When someone compliments, helps you grab something, or lets you go first, they didn’t have to do that, and making sure to thank them will make them want to do it more.

Putting more fruits and vegetables on your plate, and eating those first before treating yourself to the less-healthy things. Making the choice to eat better is often very simple, and only involves being more smart about what you put in front of you

.Answering your text messages right away (even if they stress you out), because you know how you feel when someone leaves you hanging. Also, you have a tendency to say “I’ll get to this later” and then forget about it completely, and that’s just rude.

Putting your alarm across the room so that you have to get up and go turn it off and can’t accidentally hit “off” in your sleep and never actually wake up.

Listening to music for the mood you want to be in, instead of the mood you actually are in. If you want to cheer yourself up, don’t sulk with the playlist from your angst years — put on some Disney soundtracks!

Do something for someone that you would make them smile. Hold the door open

Saying “hi” to your neighbors when you see them, and maybe even asking how their day was because, come on, you basically live together.

Preparing breakfasts, snacks, or lunches to take with you throughout the week. There’s only one way to avoid paying a lot of money to eat terribly at the last minute, and that’s by planning ahead.

Even if you’re having a bad day smile back at the toddler who is waving at your from their stroller. Kids are perfect, in that they think most people are generally good and nice, so don’t shatter that image by frowning or looking away from them.

Find the positive it every person you meet, every situation you encounter and everywhere you go. Life is too short to hold so much negativity in the way of happiness.

Remind yourself that you are not perfect, that no one is, and that it should never be your goal. The more you compare yourself to people you think are happier or more successful, the more you turn them into characters and not human beings. Every single person you pass on the street is real and has their own story. Don’t take anything at face value.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy new year! Cheers to another great year! Here’s to 2016!

Copy Girls

I admire personal style. From the streets of Paris, to the girl wearing a bird on her head, it speaks volumes about someone who stays true to themselves. So, there is nothing that irritates me more than a girl who is not confident enough to have her own style. They become a carbon copy of the people they surround themselves with. You can easily spot these people because usually they are dressed very similar and act in the same ways. So one girl is trying to be her own person, while the other is the “parasite”. The most awkward part of it, is that people notice the change. People see that you now have the same hair cut and are wearing similar outfits.

When you’ve got something great going on, people notice and unfortunately some can’t resist jumping on your super-cool bandwagon. But if you understand why other girls are taking your style, then you can figure out what to do about it.

And let’s face it: We’ve all been guilty at one point or another of copying our friends. My sixteen year old self would tell you how much I wanted to wear exactly what the cool girls were wearing. They were pretty and popular, who wouldn’t want to look at them? Everything they were about made me want to copy them, shoes on their feet to their naughty saying AE tees.

But sometimes you’re looking at a living example of a psychologists wet dream. You know the girl who runs out to buy the same top you said you liked the weekend before, the girls who all of a sudden likes the same bands and worst of all the girl who tries to covet YOU, the language you use, the clothes you wear and the attitude you hold. So what do you do? Let it go? Stop talking to them? Scream?!

So my reaction would be the latter but I know my mom would tell me “if she copies you it means she likes your style”. I think that people imitate those they admire in hopes that their personality will magically rub off. Also, girls who copy tend to have a lower self-esteem. They don’t know how to be themselves, so they copy. If I like a shirt a friend is wearing so much I buy it myself, I twist it my own way.

So, if copykitty persists in her evil ways, and tries to use the lame old excuse that: “imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” thank her for the compliment and all, but explain that she’s more likely to achieve fabulousness by being herself than by trying to be someone else.

But to be fair, imitation is human nature. Without consciously realizing it, we copy looks we see in magazines, on television, and in popular culture that surrounds us. It’s how trends are born. From leather pants to overalls, we copy looks that we think will fit our personal style or how we want to be perceived. Those who determine trends, fashion designers and magazine editors, know many seasons ahead of the rest of us what we’re all going to be wearing. They know it because they decide it. They determine how and what we will wear and when we wear it. It just takes you to twist it into your own.

Don’t be afraid to be different – we need individualism in this world. That’s what gives us our personality, stand out and be bold!

